Why Do Pain Patterns Seem to Reoccur Throughout Our Life?

Life is alive and always talking to us. LIFE says to us, “I love you! You are wonderful! You are whole! I love you!” It says it over and over and over throughout our lifetime. We, as human beings, bask in this love always.

However, we don’t always understand the language of love LIFE speaks to us. We often don’t FEEL loved at all. We often feel pain. Pain in our emotions, and pain in our bodies. Sometimes LIFE seems to hurt the same pains in us over and over again, like recurring patterns of pain! We try to bury the pain, forget about the pain, or run away from it in so many ways.

With the language of love LIFE is talking to us, but in a very big way. LIFE is communicating with the human being. The human being, who deep down inside wants ABOVE ALL THINGS to be whole and feel loved by LIFE. LIFE is giving the human being the communication it most deeply wants, the guidance on how to feel the wholeness and love it yearns for. Life is communicating DIRECTLY with our hearts. Heart-to-Heart communication, the language of love.

This communication of love hurts us because our hearts are like pincushions full of past hurts that were trapped in our bodies because we didn’t know how to process the pain completely. LIFE’S loving communication is actually designed to push on all the pins, so we can find them, pay attention to them, find healing for them and REMOVE THE PINS! LIFE even structures our experiences to be tailor made to push on all the pins causing the recurring patterns of pain we so often experience! In this way, LIFE never gives up trying to communicate with the human being with this language of love.

By communicating with your subconscious, you can find and delete the pain of trapped energies thus piloting your human being through LIFE more effectively, and participating more fully in your healing journey.

As you release the pain, you will hear and feel LIFE saying to you,
“I love you! You are wonderful! You are whole! I love you!”